A wide selection of memorials
Commemorating the life of a loved one with a memorial helps in coming to terms with the grief that we are left with on their passing. At Dominic Muldoon & Sons Funeral Directors, we offer a wide selection of memorials in a variety of materials including stone, marble and granite. This will ensure that they are not forgotten.
A wide selection of memorials
Commemorating the life of a loved one with a memorial helps in coming to terms with the grief that we are left with on their passing. At Dominic Muldoon & Sons Funeral Directors, we offer a wide selection of memorials in a variety of materials including stone, marble and granite. This will ensure that they are not forgotten.
Some memorials we offer:
- Additional inscriptions
- Plaques
- Laser plaques
- photo plaques
- Vases
- Statues
- Granite, marble and stone memorials